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Rosneft company will participate in implementation of the project on establishing a dry cergo area in the Taman sea port

The three-party agreement on cooperation was signed by the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maksim Sokolov, the Acting Governor of Kuban Veniamin Kondratyev and the Chairman of the Rosneft Company Igor Sechin during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

As the press service of the Administration (Governor) of the Krasnodar region reports, Rosneft plans to construct a complex for transshipment of oil products with a capacity of 400 thousand tons per year within the project. The project implementation will increase tax revenues to both the regional and federal budgets. It is planned to create a large number of new highly paid jobs for providing the operation of the terminal.

In addition, an agreement for the supply of equipment produced in Kuban to gas-filling stations of the enterprises of the Rosneft Group of Companies was signed within the forum.

The Forum Holding also agreed with the Ministry of Transport on the construction of one of Russia’s largest container terminals for 2 million TEUs in Taman on the total amount of 30 billion rubles. According to "Delovaya gazeta. Yug", the container terminal in Taman will be focused on the same cargo traffic as Bronka has – on those cargoes coming by sea to Russia from the countries of Southeast Asia, Turkey, Iran and other Asian countries.

The photo is provided by the press service of the Administration of Information Policy of the OJSC Petroleum Company Rosneft.

Source - Investment portal of Krasnodar region